Ok loved ones...so far nothing dramatic, thankfully. I made it through midterms week and nothing crazy happened. So about 6 weeks left and then I have a 7 week break from school during which I will be working my butt off for money to survive the Fall semester. I did find out today that a guy friend just got off his mission. I can't believe that he has already been gone for two years. he just got back Thursday. I always expected him to be one of those guys that didn't like the missionary work and just lived for P-days (I have met a few like that)...but he said it was amazing and he loved it so much he wanted to extend but knew it wasn't right. Anyway..oh funny story, I went with some friend like 2 weeks ago to watch a scary movie in an abandoned house...the guy I dated last fall was with us since we decided to be friends, it was fun...scary but fun. ANywho today I was catching up with this old friend Cat, who is a mutual friend of Court and I's (the guy I used to date) and she said that she asked him if he had seen me and he told her 'yeah we went on a date Friday night'. What the HECK??????? that was my exact thought!! Boys are crazy. He said 'lets be friends' last year and I am suddenly supposed to know that, that isn't our relationship anymore. That is the most interesting thing that has happened as of yet. Here are some pics of me and my roomies. I love ya'll
OKay so the one with my hair in a ponytail is when we went to see spiderman 3 and i am in my spidey shirt. Then there is cameo in her spidey shirt..the black and white one...next is after the midnight showing at cameos house about 30 miles from the school. Then is a pic of Sam posing for me...sam liz and i will be rooming together again in fall i love those two!! Then there is the snow that we had like a week ago...about 2 inches....crazy! Then there are three pics of me for good measure.